Digital Business Cards- A Must-Read Guide

Over the last two years, there has been a major drive to digitize everything, and business cards are no exception. Digital business cards gained traction in 2021 and are set to dominate in 2022. The days of exchanging a piece of paper for another are over. They are not only outdated but also dangerous for the environment. To keep everything into consideration, many businesses and individuals switch to digital business cards.

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Business Cards Design - DBC

Guide to personal branding with Digital Business Cards

 “What people say about you when you are not in the room is real-time branding” Jeff Bezos

Read that twice and ponder upon the thought! It’s the thoughts and feelings about a person we have in their absence that really matter. Digital business cards take care of your personality even in your absence.

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Be Charismatic with Digital Business Cards

We all are living in a world full of competition no matter what our professional options are. Often the extroverts have an edge in such growing competition. No matter what personality you originally hold, the good news is that if you have a career, art, or skill worth showing, it shouldn’t go wasted due to your introverted nature.

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Put a Good First Impression with Electronic Business Cards

You all must have heard that the first impression is the last impression, which is right too. As people will start judging your business the moment they come in contact with you.

Hence here, with this post, we will let you know how to put an amazing first impression with an electronic business card.

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How to make yourself different from the masses

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” – Suess

Make a plan for everyday

In this day and age barely any of us have mundane routines, umm not trying to hit the soft spot since the current scenario has made life a little mundane, but what the hell?

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How have changes in technology affected businesses?

Imagine spending a day without checking your emails! Imagine spending a day without checking your messages! Imagine spending a day without your mobile phone! Feeling anxious? I already am!Don’t fret, most of us will feel this way. Life in the 21st century revolves around technology and it’s next to impossible for us to imagine a day without it. Not only us humans, but even businesses rely heavily on technology. Businesses these days have seen a major boost in their profits, customer service, etc. because of technological advancements.

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Does a Digital Business Card match up to a Traditional Business Card?

­­Businesses today have started to be more digital and in sync with modern times, however business cards continue to be made of paper and handed out in bulk quantities. How many of us always have a card holder loaded with our business cards? “Sir, that’s my card” This is usually ringing around in every meeting, conference or networking event, annoying, isn’t it?

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History of business cards

Dipped your toes into the business world? If yes, you know that one primary sign of professionalism. The Business Cards! They are not just 2×3 inch pieces of cards that display contact information of an employed individual, but they are one’s professional identity. Now, you maybe thinking, “Who needs Business Cards in the age of social media and whatsapp?” Technology has also caused Business Cards to evolve in a way that it can hold more and more information since its inception.

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Environmental impact of paper

Jaw dropping, eyes popping, OMG fact! Each day 27 million business cards are printed in the US alone! Now calculate the number of business cards printed worldwide. Lol just kidding, let’s replace the calculate with imagine. Does it render you speechless?

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